Saturday June 15th and Sunday June 16th 2024
iNorth West Lochaber Handicraft Show 2024
Please fill in the entry form and if possible email a scan or photo to Caroline on [email protected] or post to Ann at 7 Highland, Arisaig, PH39 4NP by 31st. May 2024. If you are unable to do that, you can bring it along on the 15th June. Add additional sheets if necessary.
Prize draw: all forms received by 31st May will go into a draw to win a free raffle ticket and one free lunch on day of choice.
i hereby agree that all particulars are correct and that the entry/ies are my own property. I agree to bide by the Rules and Regulations of the competition.
Data protection: By submitting this form I consent to the Show committee processing my personal data as required for the management of the competition, e.g. publishing my name and photograph in West Word and Facebook if a winner. we do not share personal data with third parties.
Photograph entries: I agree/do not agree to my entry potentially being used in a calendar to raise funds for the Handicraft Show/Astley Hall.
Please fill in the entry form and if possible email a scan or photo to Caroline on [email protected] or post to Ann at 7 Highland, Arisaig, PH39 4NP by 31st. May 2024. If you are unable to do that, you can bring it along on the 15th June. Add additional sheets if necessary.
Prize draw: all forms received by 31st May will go into a draw to win a free raffle ticket and one free lunch on day of choice.
i hereby agree that all particulars are correct and that the entry/ies are my own property. I agree to bide by the Rules and Regulations of the competition.
Data protection: By submitting this form I consent to the Show committee processing my personal data as required for the management of the competition, e.g. publishing my name and photograph in West Word and Facebook if a winner. we do not share personal data with third parties.
Photograph entries: I agree/do not agree to my entry potentially being used in a calendar to raise funds for the Handicraft Show/Astley Hall.